Thursday, September 12, 2024

Weekend Brush Up: 3 B2B lead generation techniques

Last updated on May 12th, 2016 at 02:36 pm

Lead generation in B2B is different than in B2C. Some methods work better than others and with the effective methods there are certain techniques to employ so you’ll see the best results.

Email marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing are the most commonly used lead generation methods in B2B. But what should you know to make sure that your next campaign in these areas is a successful one? Here are a few quick tips on B2B lead generation techniques that have stood the test of time.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has stood the test of time. A 2014 study by Placester indicated that email marketing is one of the most effective lead generation methods for B2B firms and in 2016 it’s no less effective. If you want to get into email marketing, you should look into marketing automation programs to expedite things.  These programs are tools that combine with your CRM to send targeted emails to customers at the right times, all based on hard data. It can increase efficiency and not only can it generate more leads, but it can generate better leads too.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another one that has remained popular over the years. 88 per cent of B2B marketers use content marketing according to a 2016 Benchmark Study by Content Marketing Institute. Since it’s so popular, you need to be willing to experiment and try something different in order to stand out and settle on a strategy. Roughly half of all B2B marketers have a plan but have not bothered to document it. Get a leg up and put your plan on paper.

Social Media Marketing

Social media can be a tricky market because its effectiveness depends largely on what outlet you’re using. For B2B marketers, the best social media channel is LinkedIn. Research from CMI confirms this.  To make the most of LinkedIn, make sure your company profile is completely filled in, and maintain an active prescience on the site. That can be achieved by joining groups, posting useful content updates, and making connections with other B2B professionals and decision makers who could one day be clients.


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Chris Riddell
Chris Riddell
Chris Riddell is a freelance journalist, copywriter and poet from Mississauga who now lives in Montreal. His byline has appeared in many newspapers and websites such as The National Post, The Globe and Mail, The Montreal Gazette, and Torontoist. He's an expert profiler and has interviewed many notable personalities such as KISSmetrics founder Neil Patel, Ontario Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Glen Murray, and Hollywood actor Michael Rooker. If you want to find out more about him, visit his website and follow him on Twitter @riddellwriter.