Last updated on September 20th, 2020 at 10:52 pm
A look back at articles B2BNN produced in 2016, shows a definite love affair with Account-Based-Marketing (ABM), but as with all great loves you must choose if it’s the right one for you, and if it’s going to last.
Just because we know and understand ABM, and *think* it’s a great idea, we have to ask if that is reason enough to jump in with both feet? You probably ask yourself certain questions when entering any relationship: What’s the family like? Am I being impulsive? Do I know myself well enough, or will I have to change who I am?
These questions apply to embarking on an ABM relationship as well:
- Is there one individual at your target account who makes the decision, or are there multiple decision makers?
- Are you targeting personas, or businesses?
- Do your targets have a knee-jerk reaction to buying, or do they weigh all options?
- Are you willing to align your sales and marketing teams?
ABM is not for those sales and marketing teams looking for a quick fling, but those looking for a long-lasting relationship with their accounts.
In a recent webinar with MarketingProfs, Samantha Stone, author of Unleash Possible, shared insights on how to get started with an ABM pilot program (aka dating):
- Set Program Goals
- Program Team
- Select Pilot Accounts
- Set a Control Group
- Train Staff
If you wonder if ABM might be right for you, check out this video:
Or if you’re ready to start with a pilot program, use this handy checklist.
…and don’t forget, the Revenue Summit is on in San Francisco next week. There’s still time to explore #FlipMyFunnel concepts with Terminus and Sales Hacker, or start your love affair with ABM.
Feature image source: Unsplash