Friday, July 26, 2024

Use LinkedIn Publisher to give your content new life

Re-purposing content assets is one way to save time and money. Give your current content assets new life through LinkedIn Publisher.

It’s an easy way to consistently provide useful content for your B2B audience, gain visibility with them and build your B2B identity.

Here are some ways you can re-purpose existing content assets through LinkedIn Publisher:

  1. Republish your blog posts

You’ve been working hard to keep your B2B business blog stocked with new content, so the easiest way to share on LinkedIn is by copying and pasting your existing posts into LI Publisher.

Beware of the SEO implications of this however. Google will view this as duplicate content, which is a no-no from their perspective. To avoid this penalty, wait at least two weeks before copying your content over. Then include a sentence at the beginning or end of the post that points readers to the original location of the post.

  1. Re-Publish your guest posts

Reach a wider audience for your guest posts by publishing a summary to the post on LinkedIn. Make sure to include a sentence that points readers to the original location and save the blog owner any Google penalties (see the previous tip for the reasons why this is important.) Practice safe guest B2B blogging and earn a little online love at the same time.

  1. Craft a new headline for your recycled posts

If using the first two tactics on LinkedIn publisher, it’s also important to craft new headlines for those posts. You may be re-using the content, but a new headline that’s specific to LinkedIn won’t take you long to write. Since the goal of republishing here is to reach a wider audience, note any the different response to different headlines compared to your established B2B audience.

  1. Re-purpose longer form content

What if you’ve got a fully stocked resource library but no B2B blog to re-purpose from? Take one of your longer form pieces, such as a case study or white paper, and create a LinkedIn post with it.

  • Summarize the main points and link to the original content.
  • Break down each section of a white paper and create a series of LI posts with great sub-heads and images.
  • Get one of your marketing graphics team members to create an infographic from some of the data points in a white paper.
  • Write an intro post to one of your case studies and link to where readers can download the full study.
  1. Include LinkedIn posts in your email newsletter

Email newsletters are a great way for B2B brands to keep in touch with customers, prospects, and leads. Be sure to add your LinkedIn Publisher posts to it and give your content and even wider reach.

Keep in mind

To take maximum advantage of re-purposed content, pay attention to these rules OKDork curated after analyzing the top 3,000 LinkedIn Publishing posts:

  • Keep headlines between 40-49 characters long.
  • Remember LinkedIn readers love How To and list headlines.
  • Break up your articles into easily-scanned sections.
  • Include images to increase page views.
  • Remember the optimal post length is 1,900-2,000 words.
  • Keep the videos and presentations on your main B2B website as these don’t perform as well on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Publisher is an excellent way to get your B2B content out to a wider audience. Use it to increase your visibility and thought leadership with existing content.

Image courtesy of Chris Bolman


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Julia Borgini
Julia Borgini
Julia Borgini is a technology writer, copywriter and consultant for B2B technology companies. She helps them connect with people and grow their business with helpful content and copy. Visit her website to see who she’s helping today:


  1. Julia – Very useful post. The LinkedIn Pulse platform is often also a great way for new content producers to test their skills and create their social brand voice. It would be fantastic if you did a follow up piece on setting yourself apart within the LinkedIn Pulse platform and engaging followers. Of course, I am more than happy to provide insight or answer any related questions as the bulk of my work is B2B LinkedIn training and consulting. Going to follow your LinkedIn posts now and also on Twitter. – Jasmine Sandler


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