Thursday, September 12, 2024

A holiday-timed poem on digital distraction that’s perfect for busy B2B professionals

The author helps produce and facilitate all manner of conferences and events for business professionals, and occasionally ends them with an original poem. The following is an example. 

Some say embrace the digital disruption

I fear it’s more like digital corruption

What’s happened to my span of attention?

Not to mention my powers of retention ?

Yes it may help us as we work

But why’s it so rare to just sit down and talk?

You remember, old school, face to face

The way it used to be for the human race

Look what digital’s done to the state of the nation

The U.K. now has a minister of social isolation.

Because amidst our technology fixation

Real human contact’s become an aberration.

Human plus smartphone is the new mutation

Turning it off a form of deprivation

So think about the smartphone in your hand

It only cost you about a grand

It’s so powerful, so seductive , so light

The screen it flickers – oh so bright

It’s how I keep all my memories, connect with friends.

I’m sure they’ll all love me to the end

Who are they all you ask, who?

To tell the truth I don’t have a clue

I collect friends like a philatelist stamps

Whoever has the most wins, they’re the champ

It connects you to a world of news

But it can also lead you to the blues

Unlimited Data you’ll gain but your soul you’ll lose

You can turn it off you know, if you choose.

So wonder – amongst all this networked wealth

What’s the toll on your mental health?

Try putting the phone to one side

Take a deep breath. Go play outside.

Working all hours hell for leather

Ask yourself is this a high speed connection or is it a tether?

We live in a world of infinite connection

Why then do I feel such a lack of direction

Like I’m naked with no protection

Alone craving contact, some genuine affection?

When did I last give or get undivided attention?

So please I beg you, step away from that screen

And reflect on the lesson of Banksy’s little scene.

If you ever find yourself in a situation like this

Forget the email the text, the tweet, the pin, the post you just can’t miss

And focus instead on the one you are about to kiss


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John Brewer
John Brewer
John Brewer is Principal and LEGO(r)SERIOUS PLAY(r) Facilitator at Idea Exchange. He designs and develops agendas for business conferences and idea based events in Canada. His specialties include corporate culture, pensions, change management, diversity & inclusion and many other areas. He writes poems in real time as a way to summarize events.