Thursday, May 2, 2024

How to Play With Friends in Escape from Tarkov

“Escape from Tarkov” (EFT) is not just a test of individual skill and strategy; it’s also a game where playing with friends can significantly enhance the experience. Teaming up in EFT adds a layer of tactical depth, communication, and enjoyment that solo play can’t match. This guide is designed to help you understand how to effectively team up with friends in EFT, covering everything from setting up your group to developing team strategies.

1. Setting Up Your Squad

 Getting Started Together

The first step in playing with friends is to understand how to set up a squad in EFT.

Creating a Group

In the main menu, one player needs to select a location and time, then invite friends from the friend list. Make sure all players are on the same server for smoother gameplay.

Understanding Group Dynamics

Groups in EFT can be up to five players. Discuss with your team who will take on which roles based on each player’s strengths and weaknesses.

2. Communication is Key

Coordinating Your Team

Effective communication is crucial when playing with friends in EFT.

Use Voice Chat

Using voice chat, whether in-game or through third-party applications, is essential for real-time communication.

Develop Callouts

Create clear and concise callouts for different areas of the maps. This shared language will help you quickly share information with your team.

3. Looting as a Team

Sharing the Spoils

Looting in a squad requires coordination to ensure everyone gets essential items.

Designate a Looter

Consider assigning one person to loot first while others cover. This system can prevent everyone from being exposed at the same time.

Share Resources

Communicate about loot distribution. Sharing resources like ammo and medical supplies ensures the whole team is well-equipped.

4. Moving as a Unit

Navigating the Terrain Together

How your squad moves across the map is critical for survival and success.

Stay Together, But Not Too Close

Maintain a formation that allows for mutual support without clustering together so tightly that you become an easy target.

Cover Multiple Angles

Ensure that all directions are being watched as you move. This tactic minimizes the chances of being taken by surprise.

5. Engaging in Combat

Squad-Based Tactics

Combat in a squad requires different tactics compared to solo play.

Focus Fire

When engaging enemies, coordinate to focus your fire on targets to quickly take them down.

Flanking and Pinching

Utilize squad numbers to flank enemies, creating crossfires that are difficult for enemies to counter.

6. Managing Risks as a Squad

Playing it Smart

Risk management is a crucial aspect of playing with friends.

Assessing Situations Together

Before engaging or entering high-risk areas, assess the situation as a team. Decide whether the potential reward is worth the risk.

Have a Contingency Plan

Always have a plan for if things go south, like a meeting point if you get separated or a fallback plan if outnumbered.

7. Squad Etiquette

Respect and Cooperation

Maintaining a positive team dynamic is important for an enjoyable experience.

Respect Each Other

Understand that mistakes happen. Respect and constructive feedback go a long way in maintaining team morale.

Cooperate and Compromise

Sometimes, you’ll need to compromise for the good of the team, whether it’s sharing loot or playing a supporting role.

8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Growing as a Team

Succeeding as a squad in EFT requires ongoing learning and adaptation.

Review and Reflect on Raids

After each raid, take time to discuss what went well and what can be improved. This review process is key to developing as a team.

Stay Updated and Informed

Keep up with game updates and strategies. While some players might look for an easy way out to escape from tarkov cheats, true mastery comes from understanding the game and adapting to changes.


Playing with friends in Escape from Tarkov adds a rich layer of strategy and enjoyment to the game. By setting up your squad correctly, communicating effectively, coordinating your movements and tactics, managing risks, and continuously learning and adapting, you and your friends can greatly enhance your Tarkov experience. Remember, success in EFT comes from teamwork, strategy, and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the game.


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